How to stake

  1. Visit the bemo app page through your browser or the Telegram app.
  2. Connect your TON wallet (if you don't have a wallet, check out the article "Popular TON Wallets").
Tap "Connect wallet" and choose your wallet in TON Connect dialogue

Example of authorisation confirmation in Tonkeeper wallet
  1. Go to the "Stake" app section and enter the amount of TON you want to stake. Make sure to leave at least 0.1 TON in your account for future withdrawal transactions (for network fees).
Once you have clicked the ‘Stake’ button bemo will ask you to confirm the transaction in your wallet
  1. Confirm the staking transaction of TON tokens in the connected wallet app.
Example of transfer transaction confirmation in Tonkeeper wallet
  1. After confirming the transaction, the specified amount of TON tokens will be sent from your wallet, and you will receive stTON tokens.

The amount of stTON tokens received is calculated by the smart contract based on the size of your deposit and the stTON/TON exchange rate displayed in the app.

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