
bemo users earn rewards through staking by the changing price of stTON relative to TON. However, this is not the only way to increase returns.

All stTON holders also receive an additional reward in the form of stXP, which will be converted into BMO token in the future, increasing yields without adding investment risk.

Lending Apps

A lending protocol is an app where stTON is used as collateral, and users can borrow other tokens against it. 

Users can simply provide stTON and earn interest, or they can borrow TON and stake it in bemo again, repeating this process. This can more than double the position, yielding higher returns from staking and stXP accrual. This strategy is called leveraged liquid staking. 

Supported platform:


Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

DEXs are decentralized exchanges where token swaps occur through liquidity pools provided by other users for a share of the exchange fees.

bemo users can provide liquidity in stTON/TON and stXP/stTON pairs and earn additional rewards in stXP. bemo offers a 1.5x multiplier for liquidity providers in DEX. 

Supported DEXs:

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